Thursday, December 29, 2005

Failed Food Trial

Well, we just got back from Cincinnati and we don't even have to wait for the biopsies. John clearly failed eggs. The doctor could see it quite well. We'll have to wait 3 - 4 weeks for his esophagus to heal before we try anything new.

We're totally not surprised but bitterly disappointed. He loves eggs so much and they make his baked goods so much better. I was hoping to be able to bake better bread for him - including hamburger buns, etc - but they just turn out gooey without eggs. And they add such a richness to everything... It's a hard loss.

I even asked if in the future when we're not doing these trials anymore, could John have an egg once in a while. The answer was an unequivocal no. Even if he doesn't feel pain, the condition is there and causing lesions in the esophagus which can contribute to scarring. Enough of that and it could start causing problems with swallowing, etc. I guess they're out forever.

However, we're so glad to still have his milk products. When he started having pain during this egg food trial, I cut out yogurt, cheese and sour cream because I was afraid the enzymes in them might be contributing to the problem - but the doctor said no. (I hadn't tried those products during the milk food trials because it would have been too painful to withdraw them if he failed.) So now he gets those back and he's very happy about it. It kind of mitigates the loss of the eggs. And we still have ice cream!

And since Emmalee hasn't been having any pain for several weeks, the doctor told us to cancel her January 10th scope and wait to see if the problems resurface later. It would be pointless to scope if she's not experiencing any problems. I'm glad we won't have to put her through it again - or pony up the money for a scope so soon in the new insurance year! Whew!

Also, John handled this scope quite well. The anesthesiologist has tried adding another drug the last two times and it has really helped him to wake up without the rage and delirium. He also upped John's pre-op dose of Versed - which makes him loopy and hopefully less combative. Last time they didn't give him enough and it took four people to hold him down to put the anesthesia mask on. He remembered too - He planned his counterattack this morning by smuggling plastic forks in under his shirt to throw at the people who would try to put the mask on him!

What a kid. He announced to all - after we confiscated the forks - that he was going to fight as hard as he could. They didn't mind. The doctor's only response was to smile and say "Good plan." This time it only took two people to hold him down. Much better. =) They were all awesome with him right down the line (they always are). Cincinnati Children's rocks.

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