Monday, September 18, 2006

Picnic at the park on Saturday

John climbs an ancient silo at the park. The park is on the site of an old farm, and a few things, like this stone silo, have been preserved.

As we ate our picnic dinner, we saw a grandaddy long legs walking across the sidewalk. Carolyn remembered when John was 3, he called a "Grandaddy Long Legs" a "Grand Old Spider".

She told the kids this. John got a huge grin on his face.

The kids are always fascinated to hear stories of when they were "babies".

Somewhere in the shambles we have little post-it notes, scraps of paper with cute quotes from the kids over the ages. This is likely all that is to come of those dreams of writing a book.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:36 PM

    I cannot hear enough about that "tell me more about when i was a kid..." who doesn't like to hear it? Mine love it too. YOu're soo good to have it all down in print!


