Friday, May 28, 2010

Shrek Head

Don't ask.

Daddy Daughter Date Night

The so-called medium popcorn was bigger than my daughter's head.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Toad Catcher

John is careful never to hold them too tightly, or let them jump from his hand from too great a height. He has a knack for spotting them, and for catching them. And he has a genuine fascination with them. He was careful to let it go near where he found it.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

The cure for Nature Deficit Disorder

My son in his element. He came alive when he saw the trails and fields of native grasses and wild flowers.

Objective . . . Collect one specimen of each species we find.

Thome thort of thistle

Happy Kid

Must be a biologist at heart.

Relaxing a bit after the botanical expedition.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Grey day everything is grey. . .

i watch but nothing moves today.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Sun Set

Like the sun through the trees you came to love me. Like a leaf on the breeze you blew away.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Close Game!

Emmalee defeats me in a killer game of Trouble.

Saturday, May 08, 2010

The Heavy - How You Like Me Now?

The Heavy's original video. I like it. I wouldn't have heard of them if it weren't for the Kia Sorento commercial.

Kia's 2010 big game commercial

There's a flag pole rag and the wind won't stop . . .

That's my soul up there.

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Trouble Ahead, Trouble Behind

I took this photo while I was stopped, so no one give me any grief about texting/messaging while driving.  The storm showed clearly in the rear view mirror.

The Hand Of God

His hand moves, perceptibly, above the milling crowds of commuters, and most think only of getting home.

Storm Clouds

And the storm rushes in...

Sunday, May 02, 2010

My boy. . .

My number one son begs for his turn to be pushed on the great swing beneath the maple tree. Shoes are of course optional.

Mum's bookshelf

Just a random glimpse of one of my mom's many bookshelves.

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Crossing That Bridge

Pushing rocks from the bridge into the creek below provided plenty of entertainment for John and Emmalee.

For my part, I always enjoy the view from the bridge, and the fact that there is no house at all visible from the public road. It is cut off, completely, from civilization, and in tune, completely, with nature.

Clouds rolling in . . .

The forecast called for rain all day . Most of the day was cloudy, but with no chill in the air. As I stood at the bridge, I photographed the clouds rolling in.

The place

Hundreds of photos were taken, but no photo can capture the essence of a place, anymore than a breath can be the essence of a man, a glass of water the essence of a lake.

A Piece of my soul . . .
