Sunday, December 21, 2008

Swimming in the shadow of the capitol - and just 7 degrees outside.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Gumdrop Tree

We have a gumdrop tree as a Christmas decoration, similar to this one.

Correction ... we *had* a gumdrop tree. We left the tree within reach of the labrador retriever, who eats everything.

Trouble is, the gumdrops are held into the styrofoam core of the tree with toothpicks. When the doggy helped herself to the gumdrops, she injested maybe two or three dozen toothpicks.

2 days later she's barfing up toothpicks! Yuck! Hopefully she won't have any lasting medical issues from this tasty Gumdrop Treat.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

It may be hard to see, but this craft of Emmalee's says "My Mom loves cars". Does she have my number or what?

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Girl in the snow

The crazy girl.

Feats of endurance. Emmalee demonstrates her tolerance for cold by taking a hundred steps in the snow in her bare feet.

Star Trek 2009

I'm way more excited about the new Star Trek movie than I thought I'd be. I felt that they had run the Star Trek franchise into the ground.

I like Zachary Quinto and think he'd make a good Spock.

But not until I saw the trailer did I say .... I HAVE GOT TO SEE THIS MOVIE.

Friday, December 05, 2008

John's mohawk gone horribly wrong. Extreme hat head.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Wind Power

Wind turbines under construction in Fowler, Indiana.
