Sunday, December 31, 2006

Guinea Pig for Christmas

A Christmas treasure hunt. 




A very sweet girl

deserves a sweet friend

Follow the clues to find

your gift at the end



Look up on the door

for your very first clue

once you get there

you'll see what to do



Better than toys

from a toy store like Meijer

to get your next clue

find the washer and dryer



Loved more than princesses

or Barbie's, by far

if you want the next clue

just go out by the car



She's fuzzy and sweet

but nothing like Flower

To find your new friend

go see where we shower


This piggy can't oink

or hold coins like your bank

but if you give her your love

She'll squeak lots of thanks





Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Bedtime Routine

Who, Me? I'm completely innocent!

Rock Tavern, NY

Driving to Massachusetts, listening to the radio as I travel I-84 east in Pennsylvania.

Suddenly I hear a local radio commercial promoting Orange County Choppers.

My wife is a huge fan.

Cross the state line into New York. Big old sign says, Welcome to New York. Orange County. How far away can the OCC shops be? I had no idea I'd be passing through their namesake county.

I'm driving alone. I call her up, 800 miles away, to say, "Guess where I am?"

"Scranton?" She asked.

"No. Orange County New York!"

She shrieked with excitement, and helped me plan a side trip to OCC. Only two miles off the interstate, and I had to stop for gas anyway.

Very cool. I was in a dreadful hurry and would've liked to stay more. But I knew how much my wife would want to come, so I know we'll make the journey again, and stay longer when it's the two of us.


Advice: "Don't take the Pennsylvania Turnpike. It's longer and it costs more -- it's a toll road/"

A man will often have at least two reasons for his actions. One, a perfectly sound, logical explanation. And the other, the real reason.

The logical explanation: The northern routes all had winter advisories. (This is true. Illinois, Michigan, Northern Ohio and Western NY were all under advisories.)

The real reason: I traveled to Harrisburg, PA in 2004 and I wanted to relive the trip. Plus tack another 360 miles upon it.

"You can tell him about the winter advisory; my family wanted me to be safe so I took the southern route. But in reality, I'm a stubborn cuss and I'm going to do what I want."
